Creating a Garden Blog Header is not a big deal as long as you know simple tricks with Photoshop CS3. Here I have created a very colorful blog header that you can use in your Blog. I used selective color functions in layer options. It is an amazing tool with Photoshop that you can use to change the colors in the picture to make it attractive and sexy. If you have got Photoshop CS3 Extended version, I recommend you to try those great tools. I am sure you will be able to create very nice Headers for you Blogs in just few minutes. More Blog Headers coming soon… Stay tuned .. If you like this blog please subscribe to my newsletter so that I will send a copy to your mail inbox whenever I create a new Blog Header.
Pixel: 800 x 150
Created by :1000 Blog Headers.
Pixel: 800 x 150
Created by :1000 Blog Headers.