Monday, July 28, 2008

Garden Blog Header ( 18 )

Creating a Garden Blog Header is not a big deal as long as you know simple tricks with Photoshop CS3. Here I have created a very colorful blog header that you can use in your Blog. I used selective color functions in layer options. It is an amazing tool with Photoshop that you can use to change the colors in the picture to make it attractive and sexy. If you have got Photoshop CS3 Extended version, I recommend you to try those great tools. I am sure you will be able to create very nice Headers for you Blogs in just few minutes. More Blog Headers coming soon… Stay tuned .. If you like this blog please subscribe to my newsletter so that I will send a copy to your mail inbox whenever I create a new Blog Header.
Pixel: 800 x 150
Created by :1000 Blog Headers.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Restaurant Blog Header ( 17 )

Good Afternoon all Bloggers, Here is my next blog header called Restaurant Blog Header. It took less than 5 minutes to create with Photoshop. As you can see from the image, I have used very simple tricks to create this Header but I think It looks really cook. The Restaurant that you see from the image is a Real Restaurant and it is an underwater restaurant in Conrad Maldives. If you want see the real Restaurant Please visit Conrad Maldives. Hehe Just Kidding!! Well I used color balance feature as well as text feature to create this Restaurant Header. If you like you can request to this picture by sending an email to me after that you can write your own blog name on it. Cool isn’t it. It doesn’t take that much time to create a Header. More Blog Headers coming soon. If you like my 1000 Blog Headers please subscribe to my posts by email. I will make sure that you will not lose a single post that I create. Thanks for visiting my blog. Cheers!!

Pixel: 900 x 150
Created by 1000 Blog Headers

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Travel Blog Header ( 16 )

Hi, It's been a long time since I didn’t update 1000 blog headers blog. Today I am presenting a sample blog header that you can create with adobe CS3 extended version. I have included a title for this header and used some simple features for the text. What I did was, first selected a nice picture and opened photoshop the work space with 900 pixels by 150 and then load the picture and did some color adjustments using adobe layer, new adjustment layer and then color balance. Color adjustments applied for different colors by selecting the color options from the drop down menu on the top of the window. You can change the color adjustments by using that feature but make sure that you like the color adjustments before you save it. Now you can type the text for the banner and adjust the size for the text as well. Now go to layer, layer style and blending options, now you can see different options for the text, drop shadow, outer glow, inner glow etc. You can choose stroke if you like to have a border around the text like what I have done. You may change the color of the border if you like. Now you can tick the option outer glow select the color that you want have outside the text border and the tick bevel and emboss and you can adjust the depth of the shadow with that option. Well now you have created a very nice looking Travel Blog Header for your Travel Blog. Easy but looks smart isn’t it?

Pixel: 900 by 150
Created by :1000-blog-Headers Blog.